A ring array, also known as a circular array, is a data structure that behaves like an array but the elements are connected in a circular fashion. In other words, the last element of the array is followed by the first element, forming a loop.
Here’s an example of how you can implement a ring array for Coldfusion:
<cfset stack = []> <cfset stackSize = 5> <cfset push("Vater")> <cfset push("Mutter")> <cfset push("Kind")> <cfset push("hund")> <cfset push("Bolle")> <cfset push("Alien")> <cfset push("Fussel")> <cfset push("Barbie")> <cffunction name="push" output="false" hint="Push a value onto the stack"> <cfargument name="value" required="true"> <cfif arrayLen(stack) EQ stackSize> <cfset arrayDeleteAt(stack, 1)> <cfset arrayAppend(stack, arguments.value)> <cfelse> <cfset arrayAppend(stack, arguments.value)> </cfif> </cffunction> <cffunction name="pop" output="true" hint="Pop a value off the top of the stack"> <cfreturn arrayDeleteAt(stack, arrayLen(stack))> </cffunction> <cffunction name="peek" output="true" hint="Peek at the top value on the stack"> <cfreturn stack[arrayLen(stack)]> </cffunction> <cffunction name="rotate" output="false" hint="Rotate the stack"> <cfif arrayLen(stack) GT 0> <cfset arrayPrepend(stack, pop())> </cfif> </cffunction> <cfdump var="#stack#"> <cfdump var="#peek()#">
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