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If you want to configure the correct user in Visual Studio Code using the Sync-Rsync plugin from vscode-ext, here’s a more detailed explanation of the provided code:

    // This section denotes the folders you are working with.
    "folders": [
            "path": "/PATH" // Replace "/PATH" with the path of the desired directory on your local machine.
    "settings": {
        // This specifies the local path you intend to synchronize.
        "sync-rsync.local": "/PATH/",
        // This is where you specify the remote path along with the user.
        // Replace "USER" with the user's name and "PATH" with the path on the remote server.
        "sync-rsync.remote": "USER:PATH",
        // This denotes the font size for the editor.
        "editor.fontSize": 12,
        // This determines whether you'll receive notifications during the sync process.
        "sync-rsync.notification": true,
        // This indicates whether files will be synchronized individually upon saving.
        "sync-rsync.onSaveIndividual": true,
        // Here, you can specify permissions for the synchronized files.
        "sync-rsync.chmod": "",
        // These are additional options for the rsync command. 
        // For example, the provided "--chown=48:48" will change the owner and group of the file.
        "sync-rsync.options": [
        // This specifies the shell used to execute rsync.
        "": "",
        // This defines the executable to be used, which in this case is "rsync".
        "sync-rsync.executable": "rsync"

Remember to adjust the placeholders such as /PATH, USER, and others according to your specific requirements.